YourBody holds the answers.
I help you Discover them.

This is healthcare reimagined

YourBody holds the answers. I help you Discover them.

This is healthcare reimagined

Are you tired of being sick and tired?

Are you frustrated and confused with getting healthy?

Are you doing “all-the-things” but still feel “off”?

Are you sensing something is wrong but told everything is fine?

Are you searching for answers but don’t know where to start?

With so much information ...

You are not alone!

Meet Dr.Brook

Hi! I’m Dr. Brook, a holistic Chiropractor with an emphasis on Functional Medicine. Combine this with the time-tested, results-oriented approach,

Dynamic System Analysis, I can step-by-step, layer-by-layer discover the answers your body holds and address it in the specific order outlined for true lasting results.

I am dedicated to helping patients achieve greater levels of health and well-being, by tuning into their God-given intelligence and supporting it where it is necessary so their body can fully express life in the way it was designed to.

Beyond just helping patients, I am passionate about educating others on how to listen and interpret the cues their intelligent body communicates, so they can live vibrantly in all areas – physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

I’m a child of God, a wife, a mother, an entrepreneur, a blogger, and the host of the body talks Podcast. Learn more about me, my mission, and this work here.

Are You Struggling With:

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Auto-Immune Conditions

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Pain & Inflammation

Eczema & Skin Issues

Gut Disorders


Hormone Imbalances

Mood Disorders

Sleep Disorders

Thyroid Dysfunction

Weight Loss


A 45-minute specialized virtual call where we deep dive into the discoveries revealed and what needs to be done at home.

Supplement Strategy

A supplement plan that is based on your individual needs and NOT on standard doses that were not designed with your uniqueness in mind.

Lab Review

An in-depth analysis of CBC, lipid, and hormone panels, food sensitivity reports, and urinalysis from a Functional Medicine viewpoint.

It is Time to unlock the wisdom inside of you and
discover the answers you are looking for!

This is deep healing done in less time with lasting results

Dr. Brook's Patients Say:

Dr. Brook is by far the best doctor I've ever had a chance to work with without exaggeration! I was struggling with gut and hormonal health, even though I was closely working with a functional medicine doctor for the past 6 months to address those same issues. What I appreciated the most about working with Dr. Brook was her genuine desire to help me heal. Dr. Brook is a true gem in the medical community and I'm very grateful I was introduced to her.
Daniela Z
Dr. Brook is inspiring, uplifting, and supportive. If you are looking for someone who is authentic and truly believes in her work and how it can help, Dr. Brook is it. From my experience, she is fully invested 100% committed, and completely present during each session.
Chanel D
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Dr. Brook. She immediately could tell that my body and mind were having an adverse reaction to my traditional supplemental plan and diet and she turned it around in just a few sessions. I feel amazing, I’m focused and optimistic about my work and life
Robert A
I came to Dr. Brook suffering from adrenal fatigue. I could barely get out of bed, I had no energy or stamina, I had anxiety all the time, trouble sleeping, hungry all the time, and simply felt terrible. Dr. Brook was there to find what was wrong with me and treat me layer by layer. I have done a complete 180 in my health. Each protocol was easy to follow and not overwhelming…hands down the best decision I have made!"
Crystal T
I was so impressed with my session with Dr Brook. We did a telehealth call and she was so detailed and thorough. She found the root of my problem and located my specific subluxations. I shared this information with my local chiropractor who retested the areas Dr Brook indicated and found she was spot on with her analysis! I got exactly the care I needed.
Dr. Caitlin R
Dr. Sheehan has been wonderful to work with on a telehealth basis. On multiple calls, she blew my mind with her diagnostic assessments from across the country. She was in tune with my needs and coordinated care for me with another DC in my state, which has helped significantly relieve my back and neck-related pain. Dr. Sheehan is compassionate, attentive, and caring. I highly recommend her services
Adrienne K

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Auto-Immune Conditions

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Pain & Inflammation

Eczema & Skin Issues

Gut Disorders


Hormone Imbalances

Mood Disorders

Sleep Disorders

Thyroid Dysfunction

Weight Loss

With so much information out there and differing opinions,you’re not alone! It is time to unlock the wisdom inside of you and discover the answers you are looking for! This is deep healing - done in less time with lasting results.

Philosophy on Health:

Nothing about health is one-size-fits-all.
Your body does not need more pills, potions, diets, exercises, and the like to do its job correctly.
It needs intent listening. Understanding that is crucial.
When you give your body what it wants, when it wants, and in the right amounts it will do the rest. Don’t let this overwhelm you. I promise you it’s easier than you think.

I’m not talking about giving in to cravings and damaging health practices. Much of what we “think” we need or want is on a conscious level and is in direct opposition to what your body actually desires to function in its highest capacity.

Consciously, we think we need more to make everything better when in reality we need less.

God designed your body with the most incredible intelligence (far greater than any AI) to express health vibrantly. It’s resilient and capable of self-correcting.

Developing a deep knowingness of your body and its desires is paramount to unlocking your greatest health yet!

Know that you are incredibly unique from everyone else and require vastly different things, in vastly different amounts, in order to express health at the highest level.

Your healthcare should reflect this.

Stop throwing so much at your body, in your body, and around your body – hoping something will stick.

Discover the answers your body holds and unlock your greatest health today.

Philosophy on Health:

Nothing about health is one-size-fits-all.
Your body does not need more pills, potions, diets, exercises, and the like to do its job correctly.
It needs intent listening. Understanding that is crucial.

When you give your body what it wants, when it wants, and in the right amounts it will do the rest. Don’t let this overwhelm you. I promise you it’s easier than you think.

I’m not talking about giving in to cravings and damaging health practices. Much of what we “think” we need or want is on a conscious level and is in direct opposition to what your body actually desires to function in its highest capacity.

Consciously, we think we need more to make everything better when in reality we need less.

God designed your body with the most incredible intelligence (far greater than any AI) to express health vibrantly. It’s resilient and capable of self-correcting.

Developing a deep knowingness of your body and its desires is paramount to unlocking your greatest health yet!

Know that you are incredibly unique from everyone else and require vastly different things, in vastly different amounts, in order to express health at the highest level.

Your healthcare should reflect this.

Stop throwing so much at your body, in your body, and around your body – hoping something will stick.

Discover the answers your body holds and unlock your greatest health today.