Hi, I’m DrBrook Holistic Chiropractor & Body Whisperer.

Most of my childhood and early adulthood was spent in a fog. This is not to say I don’t remember it. I do. But the awareness I had about my health was nearly non-existent.

Many times growing up, I was reminded, “Your grandfather was Dean of New York Medical School and a well-published neurosurgeon. His brother discovered Sheehan Syndrome.”

While that was a novel part of our family story, I didn’t think much about it. My grandfather passed away before I was born and his brother a few years later.

It wasn’t until I began my own journey of discovering health in a whole new way that it became fascinating.

The body is a living, breathing, self-regulating, self-healing masterpiece. It is far more intelligent than we can even comprehend.

My grandfather practiced medicine in the mid 1900’s when medicine was about helping people heal – not throwing pharmaceutical concoctions at them to make an easy buck.

One of the proudest discoveries I made when searching through the annals of my grandfather’s work, was a piece he wrote to the British Medical Journal that stated, “medical students should be learning the anatomy of the body and how it all fits together before taking course work in pharmacology.”

At those times the curriculum was shifting in the wrong direction and pharmacology was becoming the focus.

Having a grandfather with those thoughts however, didn’t safe-guard me from growing up in the conventional medicine “mill”. I’d chalk that up to him not being around during my life.

MD’s orders were always followed.

Ear infections? Here’s your script!
Fever? Take some Tylenol!
Skin issues? Here’s your cream!

No mention or concern at all about diet, lifestyle choices, or sleep patterns.

Just drugs and more drugs. To the point that I can’t take traditional antibiotics anymore as I developed an allergy to them.

Maybe you can relate?

My awakening…

My awakening, as I like to call it, happened when I was pregnant with my daughter. Some dear friends shared their experience with The Bradley Method; a 12-week course on natural childbirth and the impact it made in their family.

Having been born with a mild case of Cerebral Palsy and discovering it was caused as a result of birth trauma during labor, I wanted to make sure my girl got the best possible chance for a “trauma-free” entrance into the world, so signing up for the class was a no-brainer for me. I joined
right away

I was in the 5th month of my pregnancy at the time of starting and my life drastically shifted after that.

Steve Jobs once said, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect the dots looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will connect in your future!”

That decision would change the entire trajectory of my life but I didn’t know it at the

I was the “over-the-counter pill popping, not exercising, processed food eating queen.” I think I can count on one hand how many home cooked meals I made in my life up to that point.

I definitely wasn’t the poster child for great health despite my outward body composition.

But those classes sparked my obsession with learning and implementing healthy ways of living for myself and my developing little girl.

They led me down the path of chiropractic, to whole food eating, exercising, and natural
solutions to minor ailments.

My outlook on life was shifting rapidly!

Not only was my physical body getting well but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, I was evolving.

The negativity that was part of my day-to-day life was leaving. I was becoming a whole new person.

The body knows what the mind has not yet grasped and it remembers… It demands that understanding be established and there is simply no escaping that demand.

And then one day, it stopped!

I reached a plateau and couldn’t manage to break through it. All the seemingly easy changes I had made in the past to shift my body into a state of health became more difficult.

I felt deep down in my being that there was something more at the core but I couldn’t figure out what!

I completed detox after detox. Ran lab tests after lab tests. Took supplements after supplements (my poor liver stuck with the duty of processing all that). Saw doctor after doctor. And sought guru after guru.

Still nothing… 

Then one day, through the grace of God, I was given a glimmer (put this word in gold) of hope!

Through mutual friends, I met a chiropractor who practiced in an entirely different way and life shifted once again!

This became a major ‘connecting dots’ moment in my life.

And turns out, this was exactly what I needed!

I found the answers I was praying for.

All the supplements and health rituals I was doing were too stressful for my body to handle.

When I learned that what I needed were only those necessary pieces my body was asking for and nothing else, it could do the beautiful work it was designed to do.

Less is truly more!

This body of work changed my life and I know that it can do the same for you.

Dynamic System Analysis is truly healthcare for you by YOU!  

Through my 1-on-1 mentorship with the developer of Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) himself, Dr. Keith Roberts. Dynamic System Analysis involves locating areas of stress and/or weaknesses in the body and formulating a treatment plan based upon the body’s unique needs.

In order to locate these problem areas, I use a system of muscle testing and hand modes that quickly reveal what is causing stress to the body; whether structural, neurological, chemical, mental, emotional, electromagnetic, nutritional, or environmental, and treat it in the priority the body is seeking.


It is through this method that I am able to achieve maximum and lasting results for my patients.  

For I am the Lord who heals you. Exodus 15:26bGod is your healer! I am the conduit.