How can we protect our physical and mental health in a world where health is defined by terms that are confusing, illogical, and generic?

The short answer – through intentional listening.

If I told you that housed within your very being is a language so powerful and so unique that is being spoken every millisecond of every day, would you believe me? And what if I told you that you have the power to interpret that language; thus, carrying on a dialogue with the greatest creation to ever exist – the human body?

This is all possible to you, to me, and to everyone willing to listen. The body speaks. It speaks through faint whispers alerting us to its needs in order to continue the work of optimizing the life form it inhabits. If these whispers go unanswered, it begins to scream. And these screams will show up in the form of dis-ease.

Better practice the vocal chords

That disease state manifests differently for each person –whether chronic pain, organ failure, cognitive dysfunction, cancer, and the like. It is there because we did not adhere to the needs the body was seeking at the time it whispered quietly.

Most of the traditional thought processes around health will tell you that it happened because you were under-supplemented, under-dieted, under-hydrated, under-adjusted, under-slept, under-detoxed, under-exercised, under-(insert next big health fad), resulting in claims for their magic potion that will correct the problem.

But I am here to tell you that that is simply not true.

The human body is carrying out complex processes without our conscious thought involved in making them happen. It is building, organizing, and tearing down cells faster and with precision than any other mechanism in the world. And it is far more intelligent than our finite minds can ever comprehend.

The body does not need more supplements, diet recommendations, water, adjustments, sleep, detox protocols, exercise, etc. It simply needs understanding.

To drive this point further, think about the last time you went to get gas in your vehicle. Do you recall the sign on the gas pump that states, “Do Not Overfill”? There is a reason for this. You can cause damage to your vehicle as well as the establishment in doing so. The body operates quite similarly. Throwing things in it, at it, and around it, because you heard it was good for you or the media told you to do it, is essentially like disregarding the sign and overfilling the system in hopes for greater outcomes. It will not happen.

Our bodies are far more intelligent than any medical pills kamagra jelly professional, scientist, and/or government official will ever understand. We must protect our own physical and mental health by listening intently to the whispers our body speaks and act in accordance with those needs.

In closing, here are a few different ways the body speaks:

  1. Queasiness – either before or after eating. This can relate to an issue with liver and gallbladder function. Lay off the fats for your next few meals.
  2. Fatigue – either before or after eating. This relates to a possible blood sugar imbalance. Can be addressed by consuming low-glycemic foods and eating small meals every 2-3 hours with high protein content.
  3. Sneezing – not related to allergies and happens multiple times in a short period. This relates to immune system activation and can be a sign that you may have a cold coming on. Avoid sugar, drink plenty of water, and get some good rest!

Everything you need to know about your health needs resides within. Trust in the greatness that is YOU and the power it holds.

If you need help finding the answers your body holds, I can help you discover them.

Book a 15-min complimentary call with me today!